Omsi 2 steam
Omsi 2 steam

omsi 2 steam

>Real Time Reflections Texture Size: Means the resolution of the mirrors, f.e. for high.res Tex load ( “Maximum Texture-Memory for high-resolution Textures”: It is said that you should set this value so that it is a bit less than the amount of your VRAM (but I am not sure if this is true because Omsi always fills my VRAM completely)

omsi 2 steam

The downside is that Omsi looks like a N64/Playstation 1 game with these Options activated. >The two options can help with old graphics cars with little VRAM. With this, you can have a good framerate in the city and a good visual range on county site maps. It automatically reduces the neighbour tile count when your FPS drops below the upper value and increases it when your FPS goes over the lower value. Setting both values to close together can cause big framerate fluctuations when omsi oscillate between both settings


This option sets the real time reflections on economy when your frame rate drops below the upper value and set in to Full again when your framerate gets over the lower value. Only active if the real time reflections are set on “Full”. >Humans visible in rain reflections: I have no experience with this option, I never activated it. It adds a quite much to the graphic, only deactivate it if you have a big frame rate drop with wet streets. The shadows can reduce your frame rate down to a third or even a half. It costs much more performance than it improves the graphic. >Shadows: Always deactivate this option. Decreasing this setting should improve the performance bit. Since the priorities are set in the Map editor by the creator, it may also have limited functionality. Sets, how far away from the main area objects are shown. This option can help increase the performance or can help if you get white textures.

omsi 2 steam

May have limited functionality with freeware content (because the priority of the object is set by the creator of the object). Means how much details are shown on the map. in Reflextions = No particle effects in mirrors >Only User Vehicle: Only your bus creates particle effects In this case start with reducing the “Max.Particles per Emitter”. You should only chance the settings if the other settings did not helped enough. Particle systems are the exhausts from cars, busses and chimneys as same as the splash water on wet lanes. I do not recommend this setting, since it can dramatically decrease the performance.Īfter my experience, they do not have a big influence on the performance, but they add some nice details. >Full: Every visible mirror is rendered with the same frame rate like the game. That mean you can get the mirrors usually do not stutter that much in this setting Originally, it meant that the mirrors get rendered after each other, so with 3 mirrors every mirror would run at 1/3 the frame rate of the game, but (I think) version 1.6 not visible mirrors are not rendered anyways. >Economy: The mirrors are rendered in a lower frame rate if needed. The reflections are mostly just some textures, so this option should not be very important. Is an object smaller than this value, his reflections will not be shown. I have not much experience how big the influence on the performance is. This option is supposed to prevent too small object to be rendered. Is an object smaller than this value, it will not be shown. Reducing this value can improve the performance, is it too low you can see the object spawn in front of you and you might miss traffic signs an traffic lights. Is the distance between you and an object bigger than the value (in meters), than it will not be shown. An interesting fact is that Omsi has a dynamic tile count reduction. This option has a quite big influence in performance. 1 means that 9 tiles are loaded, with 2 your get 25 tiles around you. Very big maps could fail to load because auf the 32bit limitation of RAM usage.Īmount of tiles in each direction. With this option, the loading time for new tiles is decreased, but your overall performance may also decrease a bit and big maps needs very much time to load.


Only use this if your PC has problems with loading new tiles. It decreases the performance quite heavily if you do not have problems deactivate this option. This option is more or less a leftover from the early Omsi 2 era, when the new Multithreading (means the usage of multiple CPU-cores) caused some problems. If it annoys you, and Omsi runs quite stable you can deactivate this here, but note that you manually need to save the situation when you close Omsi, otherwise you cannot continue at this point and can only start new situations. This may cause a short freeze especially when your performance is already low. Every time you stop the bus, Omsi saves the current Situation.

Omsi 2 steam