Call of duty 2 player
Call of duty 2 player


But not all Call of Duty games are created equal. Even when 2018’s entry, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, switched it up and ditched the campaign, it brought another thrilling experience into the fold with its new battle royale mode, called Blackout. No matter the location or story, Call of Duty games usually deliver heart-pounding single-player campaigns and an intense competitive multiplayer mode. What began as a polished World War II shooter has morphed into something else entirely over the last 15-plus years, with games going everywhere from the Vietnam War to the far reaches of space.

call of duty 2 player

Fitbit Versa 3įew video game franchises are as influential and successful as Call of Duty. “With over 100 million monthly players, the ‘Call of Duty’ community is larger than ever before, and with expansion across all platforms the franchise has transformed into a truly social experience that engages and connects our players in truly epic ways,” Activision CEO Bobby Kotick said during the earnings call. Activison’s overall player base was 390 million people at the end of the quarter. The company surpassed earnings expectations, generating $1.9 billion in revenue, up from $1.3 billion in Q3 2019.

call of duty 2 player

13, just in time for it to launch on next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft.Īlso Read: Sony's Gaming Division Drives Big Quarter, Despite Pandemic-Related Woes for Film BusinessĪctivision’s overall player base for all its titles increased 25% annually, and its net bookings (sales generated from games) grew 46% year-over-year, pushing the company’s earnings per share to more than double last year’s total.


“Console player numbers grew strongly and monthly players grew over tenfold year-over-year on PC.”Īctivision will release the latest installment in the “Call of Duty” series - “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War” on Nov. “‘Modern Warfare’ and ‘Warzone’ saw more than three times many monthly players as the prior title in the year ago quarter with strong growth both inside and outside our traditional regions,” Alegre said. The multiplayer “Warzone” mode in the most recent “Call of Duty” has been a boon for Activision, especially as the game’s voice chat and social features prompted more players to join for socially-distant fun during the pandemic. We hope to see it soon (and) we think can have great impact in the region.”Īlso Read: Annapurna Interactive Launches Development Studio to Create New Games “China obviously we believe can become a significant contributor to our overall franchise revenues. “In terms of future growth, we do still see strong potential for ‘Call of Duty Mobile,'” Kostich said.

call of duty 2 player

Mobile gaming is dominant in China and across Asia, and Activision is looking to capitalize on that. “Call of Duty Mobile” has been downloaded over 300 million times since its release, Activision President Rob Kostich said, noting the game was recently approved in Chinese app stores.


“Call of Duty” is available on the PS4, Xbox One, PC and released a mobile spin-off, “Call of Duty Mobile,” last October. Most of these players were on computers - Activision Chief Operating Officer Daniel Alegre said during an earnings call that the PC “Call of Duty” player base is now ten times larger than third quarter last year. Over 110 million people worldwide drop into Activision Blizzard’s “Call of Duty” game each month, triple what the franchise recorded last year.Īctivision announced in recent earnings that “Call of Duty” currently has 111 million monthly active users.

Call of duty 2 player